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Who is Ujjwal Chaurasia?
Ujjwal Chaurasia is a YouTuber who has more than 22 million subscribers. His music video for Game on has been viewed over 70 million times. If you want to contact him, you can call his phone number. You can also contact him on Twitter.
Techno Gamerz real name is Ujjwal Chaurasia
Ujjwal Chaurasia is best known for his videos on YouTube, which focus on various games. His videos are very popular and he has more than 12 million subscribers on YouTube. The content creator has also gained popularity on Instagram. His videos are highly compressed. The average length of his videos is 20 minutes.
It is not clear if Ujjwal Chaurasia is a man or a woman. He has not disclosed his girlfriend’s name or the number she uses to communicate with him. Many people have asked him for his phone number and he has not replied.
Ujjwal Chaurasia was born on 12th January 2002. He lives in Delhi, India. He has a large number of followers on his YouTube channel and is also active on Instagram. His videos are known for being entertaining and informative. He is one of the most popular Youtubers in India, with over 24 million subscribers. His videos are popular for their humorous commentary on various games.
Ujjwal Chaurasia has 22.3 million subscribers
Ujjwal Chaurasia is a YouTuber who has gained a huge following for his gaming content. He is known for his GTA gameplay web series. His videos are often topped with hilarious real-life situations. Besides his gaming videos, he also streams mobile games on his channel.
Ujjwal Chaurasia is a Delhi-based YouTube content creator. He is the owner of two YouTube channels, Techno Gamerz and Ujjwal. He started his channel three years ago to share his gaming videos with his friends and family. Since then, his channel has become popular and has reached a million subscribers. It has received millions of views and has featured on several popular top ten lists.
Chaurasia earns money through advertisements on his YouTube channel. His videos are extremely popular and have received millions of views from around the world. The content on his channel helps people learn new games or improve their game skills. The videos have helped Chaurasia earn over $2 million from his channel.
Ujjwal Chaurasia’s music video for Game on has garnered more than 70 million views
Ujjwal Chaurasia’s debut music video “Game On” has received a lot of attention online. The singer collaborated with Sajeel Kapoor, who is famous for working on the Gully Boy song “Meri Gully Mein.” The music video for the track has garnered more than 70 million views. In addition, Ujjwal’s YouTube channel recently surpassed seven billion views and 28 million subscribers.
Ujjwal Chaurasia is a popular YouTube gamer and video gamer in India. His channel, Techno Gamerz, has more than 20 million subscribers and over 70 million views. His videos focus on video games and comedic anecdotes that relate to real life situations. His channel has a lot of success, and he plans to hit three hundred million views by the end of 2020.
Ujjwal Chaurasia’s YouTube channel was created on August 13, 2017. At first, Ujjwal posted gaming tutorials. But later, he began experimenting with other games and expanded his channel. In March 2020, his channel had over three million subscribers and a monthly growth rate of 1.1 million.
Ujjwal Chaurasia’s phone number
Ujjwal Chaurasia is a famous YouTuber and content creator. His channel, Techno Gamerz, has over 22 million subscribers and is very popular on YouTube. He creates a variety of video content based on games. He is an avid gamer and has a unique style and flair for commenting. He is a native of Delhi, India.
Ujjwal was born in Delhi and grew up in a middle class family. His parents are both working professionals. He enjoys playing video games and started a YouTube channel at age fifteen. In addition to videos, he also has a Facebook page and an Instagram account. His posts receive about 100 thousand likes per post.
If you’d like to contact Ujjwal Chaurasia, you should know his phone number. He’s a YouTube celebrity who has several social media profiles. If you’re interested in finding out more about this popular YouTuber, you’d better know his girlfriend’s name. It’s likely that her social media profiles contain her phone number, too.
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He has extremely tiny grow old for everything, but he is totally eager to communicate following his fans – especially by phone, email or social media. If you in reality want to retrieve him, send him one proclamation and wait for his reply. If he doesn’t answer in a few hours, you can send him marginal declaration – recall that there are plus extra fans waiting for him to respond them! Wait for your outlook calmly. It may be that they will want to call you, not just send a message. next you can go ahead and choose it up. However, recall not to take too much of his time. The best form of right to use will be sending a message, you can afterward call, but remember not to do it several times. He will call you help with he has time.
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